Breaking Silence

I have been grappling with some crazy issues. My heart and soul have been through some aches and pains…stretching and growing and I have tried. I have tried to keep the faith going despite the hardship. Other Christians have it much worse than this. But, I just never thought things would come to this. And why not? Issue after issue…seeing a church unravel is so disheartening especially when you were a part of the repair process from earlier wounds. Especially when your serving the Lord meant sacrifice to build up and now it is torn down. In a few months time and change of pastoral leadership, the spiral out of control…the lies and deception…I feel some way about this stuff. I know I don’t have many followers and I may lose some of what I do have but I am taking a stand. I am intolerant of tolerance. Everyone else can’t have their “feelings” hurt but the Christian’s opinion? Ya, that doesn’t matter. NEWS FLASH: truth doesn’t change. God is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. So the Bible says sin is sin. Why are we now condoning it and trying to perform same sex marriages in the church? God is not going to bless this. I have seen with my own two eyes a growing, vital church body be struck down because someone’s agenda was not in line with God’s will. It is only going to get worse and how do we stand against false teachers and preachers who want to do their own thing…who lie to us and deceive? Satan is the father of lies so who are we trying to represent to the world? Then I say to these “fellow Christians”, where do you find the Biblical okay for same sex marriage and let’s even throw in where is the Biblical okay for women to be pastors? There is no Biblical okay for these things so they can’t show me. I am in awe that my voice as a leader was ignored and that society’s ill effect took over the church I attended for years. I no longer belong. I never thought I’d find myself not belonging with believers but what do they believe…a wishy washy, pick and choose what you want to believe faith or the hard core truth of what is written??? Yes, I believe you love people but not the sin. It is not our job to condone or condemn a particular sin. We should not embrace sin. We should be turning away from it. Running toward Jesus, our Savior whom we all desperately need. He said, “Go and sin no more”. The religious institutions are appalling with their man made ideas and acceptance of society’s standards. God set a higher plumb line. What are we going to do about it? I will tell you what we should be doing…pray and know the Bible. Read it for yourself and search out God’s Word on these topics and more. Know what you are up against and be a light in the darkness.

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